Saturday, March 03, 2007

Big Review Lesson Update

Okay well I signed up to a new school for my visa and spent this week settling in and getting everything sorted out. Unfortunately all this bother means I didn't get time to do the things I wanted with my review lessons. Sorry to anyone who actually uses them. They are now up-to date.

A few extra things changed as well:
Review lessons now all have fixed ID3 tag info so you should now see the word (review) after the name so you can tell what it is. Any other problems with these please tell me

Changed the format around as some of the lesson names were to long to have download review link on the right. This will also be good when I get around to putting those dialogue only files up as well (googlepages only gives me so much space).

The front page will change soon as well as it's pretty ugly right now. What I mainly wanted to do is people to be able to quickly see what has been uploaded since their last visit.

I've got one extra idea that I'm working on. Old school portability. You'll see what I mean when I get the formatting sorted out but it's all about taking your Lessons on the road with as little inconvenience as possible. If anyone from ChinesePod actually watches this space I think this might be something that you'll want to look into.


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